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These are quite fun working with, just follow the steps and learn.

10 Most Important Typescript Concepts

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and class-based object-oriented programming. It's gaining popularity among developers, particularly for large-scale projects. This post covers 10 essential TypeScript concepts for developers to master.

A Simple Journal App

I built a CodePen app that resembles a preliminary Journal app, using React, Bootstrap, Moment.js and localStorage as a DB.

Creating React Components

I would like to show the different ways we can create React Components. I like the arrow function statement style the most.

Image Upload Functionality

This post can be considered as a written version of my YouTube mini-series on image upload end-to-end functionality.

Javascript History Pushstate

I built a CodePen app that resembles a preliminary Journal app, using React, Bootstrap, Moment.js and localStorage as a DB.

Blog post layout using CSS flexbox

I built a CodePen app that resembles a preliminary Journal app, using React, Bootstrap, Moment.js and localStorage as a DB.

Blog post layout using CSS grids

I built a CodePen app that resembles a preliminary Journal app, using React, Bootstrap, Moment.js and localStorage as a DB.

JavaScript execution context (this)

I built a CodePen app that resembles a preliminary Journal app, using React, Bootstrap, Moment.js and localStorage as a DB.

Animate on scroll in React

I built a CodePen app that resembles a preliminary Journal app, using React, Bootstrap, Moment.js and localStorage as a DB.


Sometimes, I feel like I should analyze, compare or critisize things. This is where I put them.

Most Popular Library

This post explores the most popular libraries and frameworks across various technologies and software development streams based on Github stars and usage.

Headless CMS Comparison

A fun comparison of popular headless cms frameworks or tools out there.

React Component Reusability - best practices

These are some of the points related to best practices for reusable components in React-based projects.

React vs Vue (A feature comparison)

A short comparison about the differences between React JS and Vue JS.

HTML attribute vs DOM property

Find out how we have been thinking wrongly about HTML attributes and DOM properties being the same.

Web components or custom elements

What is so great about these new kind of HTML elements?

Javascript functional programming

Lets look at one of the most popular programming paradigms in use today.


Feast on these short and sweet bits of trivia.

How to check if you are in an iFrame

What if you want to check if your page is hosted in an i-frame and may be prevent certain features?

The `:empty` pseudo selector in CSS

When you want to style some empty elements in HTML, you can use the :empty selector.

Post vs put vs patch

This topic has always boggled me. I thought they were interchangeable.

JavaScript closures

A quick fact check about JavaScript closures.

JavaScript `const` keyword

Ecmascript 6 introduces this new const keyword

`let` me explain

The let keyword in Ecmascript 6 is a bit similar to var but it is different in many nice ways.

Detect array or object

We take a quick look at how to check if something is an array or an object.